Thursday, November 8, 2012

Art projects

Last weekend we went to Woodbine.  Yes, you read that correctly and yes, I mean Woodbine, Iowa.  We went to church and then had dinner and then went to the coolest place ever- in Woodbine.  It's called Artisan and it's like an art gallery/store/workshop where there are people blowing glass in the back.  The kids were mesmerized.  I was mesmerized.  I always think I'm creative and sort of crafty, but then I see things that other, way more creative people have made and I realize I'm really not that fantastic.  There was jewelry, wall art, pottery, and amazing blown glass. 
Sarah watching glass blowing.  Mesmerized.
The woman working there (at 8:00pm!) wanted to know if the kids wanted to make something with clay.  Of course they did and what started out as a family project turned into three separate vases. 

Not only was this woman super patient, she is an ex-teacher and has great ideas to keep 3 little girls busy on a Saturday night.  She also had a bar in the back with wine and beer (Todd) and plenty of stuff to look at to buy (me).  We were all happy.  And a little messy.  It was awesome!! Go to Woodbine people!
Here is her facebook page:
She has classes and events and a bar.  In Woodbine.


  1. How fun! I love the pics of the girls, but especially the one of Sarah watching the glass blowing. Precious!

    How did you happen to find this art gallery/store/workshop/bar...In Woodbine?

    Miss you guys! Please give the girls a hug from all of us!


  2. I always think that Haley and Sarah look nothing alike, but Sarah really looks like Haley in this picture. Cool idea. Cool art. Cool family.
