Thursday, November 8, 2012

Art projects

Last weekend we went to Woodbine.  Yes, you read that correctly and yes, I mean Woodbine, Iowa.  We went to church and then had dinner and then went to the coolest place ever- in Woodbine.  It's called Artisan and it's like an art gallery/store/workshop where there are people blowing glass in the back.  The kids were mesmerized.  I was mesmerized.  I always think I'm creative and sort of crafty, but then I see things that other, way more creative people have made and I realize I'm really not that fantastic.  There was jewelry, wall art, pottery, and amazing blown glass. 
Sarah watching glass blowing.  Mesmerized.
The woman working there (at 8:00pm!) wanted to know if the kids wanted to make something with clay.  Of course they did and what started out as a family project turned into three separate vases. 

Not only was this woman super patient, she is an ex-teacher and has great ideas to keep 3 little girls busy on a Saturday night.  She also had a bar in the back with wine and beer (Todd) and plenty of stuff to look at to buy (me).  We were all happy.  And a little messy.  It was awesome!! Go to Woodbine people!
Here is her facebook page:
She has classes and events and a bar.  In Woodbine.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sighs of relief...

I don't know how other people celebrate when they accomplish things like finishing homework, the end of a fundraising event, a Saturday night, etc... But I am calling it "A sigh of relief" and celebrating with a glass of wine.  Today is the end of possibly the longest week ever- which included me catching a cold- and in my old age (33) all I have to entertain myself with is wine and my computer.  In the distance I hear the children (possibly arguing, but not telling me about it) playing the Wii.

Tomorrow I have to talk about the scrip program at church.  I don't mind talking in front of a group of people, but I feel like there will be questions.  Sometimes I get nervous when people ask me questions in front of a group of people.  So I am a little nervous about that.  It's ok to admit that, right?

We went to the library today (children's, of course).  I got a book called "Pocket Babies" about little tiny marsupials.  Because I thought they were cute and the kids would think so too.  I also got our favorite Dr. Seuss book "Six by Seuss".  It's a treasury of books; our favorite of which is "The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins" where Bartholomew is to take off his hat for the King as he passes but as he does another hat appears (500 times) in it's place.  It was first published in 1938 and makes the girls laugh really hard!  I had never heard of it before we checked out this book and it has some moral value.  Alyssa is starting a series about pets and Sarah is reading an easy "Little House" series.  Haley didn't come but she is reading "The Book Thief" which I recommended and she actually likes!  Sometimes mom is right.  Just sometimes.  We brought some very well behaved friends who are excellent readers also.

The Denison Dog Park Howl-oween walk was a success!  We had human walkers and dogs dressed in costume.  We had one human dressed in a dog costume.  We made some money.  We had fun.  People know more now about the park than they did before.  Goal met.  I got to work with people who are very talented and creative.

The girls have been into making keys into necklaces.  Some of these are actually keys to our house.  I realized this after it was too late. 
Our latest project: Key Necklaces-colored with nail polish

Sarah making her necklace key (it was her idea, she wanted me to tell you this)

Haley's key

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Volunteerism and the Wedding

I have recently volunteered for everything.  I seem to have decided that not working means that I should be doing more volunteer activities.  I am now Todd's volunteer accounting specialist (if you know me well, you should be alarmed at this news), I am helping to organize a walk to raise money for a dog park in Denison, helping to start a scrip money program at the girl's school, and helping raise money for a basketball tournament.  All of this added to my regular volunteerism- doing the laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc, has become quite a workload.  It is all stuff that I want to do, of course.  Here is what I have learned:

People will help you if you ask them to, so you should ask them.

People will give you things if you ask them and if you tell them why you need them.
Denison is full of awesome people.
I don't always have the best ideas, but sometimes I have an ok idea.
Volunteerism is way more fun than scholarly writing.

Oliver, who will be dressed up for the walk on Saturday.
Here are the links to my volunteer projects: The walk is Saturday the 20th (this Saturday!!).  Registration is at 9:30.  It is a costume contest, so if you are coming, dress up your dog!! Check the website for details. This is the scrip program link.  If you buy a gift card through this website (there are also local businesses who participate and you can order with a paper order form- pick one up at Zion Lutheran or Our Savior Lutheran Churches), a percent of the money goes to Zion Lutheran School for new technology.  There is no catch- you get the full amount of the gift card- the companies are giving us a rebate!  To set up an account you have to use the code D47LBFL611L7 (Zion's account).  Orders have to be paid for by Monday's at 9 am and the cards will come to the Zion school office within a couple of days of ordering.  

The Zion basketball tournament is November 16th & 17th.  Teams from other Lutheran schools are invited to play in the games that weekend.  We are hiring refs for the first time this year and need to raise funds to help pay them and some of our other expenses.

So that's that!  They are good causes.

My cousin Joel got married last weekend in Columbia, MO!  Alyssa & Sarah were flower girls and danced all night long.  I am always a little worried that they are annoying people because they kind of latch on to people who pay attention to them.  But these same people kept saying how cute they were, so I think they were really ok with the constant chatter & dance requests.
The girls and the bride Katy.  Beautifulness!

Picture I took of Sarah.  I think it's pretty good.  Thanks to my photography instructor/friend Brad.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Last weekend was homecoming, and this was the first year we were really into it.  I think because Haley is at the middle school and there is a lot more purple-and-gold talk there than at Zion.  Todd took all three girls plus one friend each to the football game while I went to the Carroll High game (once a Tiger always a Tiger?)- because it was my high school reunion this weekend.  I didn't see much of the game (talking), but I did pay lots of attention to the band at half time, particularly the flag twirlers (me in high school) who now have 3 different flags to use during their routines!!  We had one flag and a seriously hideous leotardish outfit with lots of sequins.  I remember being cold a lot. 
Me (left) and my BFF Heidi in our flag twirling get-ups in 1997. Thanks for leaving your yearbook in my car Heidi!

I am working on several short papers for school.  Instructors call them "summaries", but really they want you to write like 3 pages.  I can summarize in way fewer words than that.  I also volunteered myself to work on a walk to raise money to create a dog park in Denison.  So- Denison residents with dogs- the Dog Dash will be held at Yellowsmoke on October 20th!  We are having a costume contest for the dogs since it's right before Halloween and what is cuter than a dog in a costume??  There will be prizes! More info to come...

Maybe you have noticed a link on my blog for Emeals?  Maybe not.  But it is one of my favorite time saving things on earth.  It is a meal planning site that gives you 7 meals a week with a shopping list broken down by what department the ingredient is in.  I don't use all 7 meals and sometimes I don't use any, but it is a great way to decide what to eat for the week if you are like me and are always struggling with what to make.  It costs $5 a month.  You can customize your plan to be Gluten free, low fat, low carb, etc AND then you can choose a store that you shop at- for now the only one around here is Wal-Mart.  I just use the Any Store plan.  Anyway, I love it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Serenity NOW!

I am channeling Frank Constanza.  Come on though moms (and dads).  There are those moments when there is so much noise that those are the words you are screaming in your mind.  Right?

My youngest lovely children are in competition for the airspace around them at almost all times.  They MUST fill it with sound.  From the moment they wake up they talk constantly.  I don't know if anyone elses kids are like this.  I don't spend enough time with anyone else's kids.  We were on our way home from gymnastics today, and Alyssa and Sarah were talking.  This is how it went (60 seconds of the drive home):

Alyssa: Did you see my cartwheels?  She wants me to do one handed cartwheels. I don't know if I can.

Sarah (simultaneously): Where is my cup?  What happened to the ice in my cup?  Alyssa do you have my cup?

Alyssa: Do you think I can do a one handed cartwheel?  I don't like Dairy Queen water.  It tastes gross.

Sarah: I can do a one handed cartwheel.  It's so easy.  Alyssa give me my cup!!

Alyssa (shoving cup at Sarah): It isn't your turn to sit in the front anyway! Here's your stupid cup.  Mom!  There's a deer!  Mom!!  Did you see that tree?  I like those trees that are cut so that they have shapes, you know, like a circle and then the stem and then another circle at the top? 

Sarah: Mom!  I think Aunt Traci is at Grandma's house!  What do you think they are doing?  There were 5 people at  Grandma's table.  What were they doing? 

Alyssa: Sarah, can you do a bridge and then stand up?  I can go down into a bridge. But I can't stand up.  That's really hard.

Sarah: I bet they are having dinner.  I can go into a bridge but I have to have help standing up but only sometimes but I bet today I can do one.  We should practice when we get home.  Alyssa!  We should have a contest when we get home.  Or do you want to play Barbie's?  We could have a gynastics (yes, gynastics not gymnastics) competition and do cartwheels and whoever does the best cartwheel wins.  Mom can be the judge.  Mom! Can you be the judge of our contest? Please???


This is a very typical conversation!  I have stopped several of this kind of conversation lately and said GIRLS!! STOP TALKING!! I don't think this is normal!!   Other children DO NOT talk this much!  This was one minute of my life with these girls!!!  And NO!  I cannot judge your gymnastics competition.  Or referee your silly arguments!  I am hoping this is a phase. Please tell me I am not alone here.  Is this an age thing (14 months apart)?  Or a girl thing?  Or a Thams kid thing (no frame of reference)? 

Alyssa and Sarah do have some seriously redeeming moments.  Alyssa loves everyone, everything, and intensely.  She loves animals (her cat/Aunt Ann's cat, our dog, random lawn critters).  She once spent an entire afternoon loving a tree frog and another loving and naming bunnies found in our yard.  She thinks everything is cute.  She also loves her family like that, including Sarah.  This is the first year that she is the big sister at school because Haley is at Middle School, and she is awesome at it. 

Sarah has an attitude about everything, but underneath that attitude is genuine love for everyone (mainly me, her Dad, and Jesus).  She gets in trouble a lot.  But when I talk to her about what she did wrong and ask her what she should do to fix it, she tells me that she should pray for forgiveness.  You can't be mad after your kid says that.

These two are going to be in a wedding in October.  I thought I would show you all one of their finer, quieter (because a picture can't speak) moments, so here they are trying on their dresses and hair for the wedding of my handsome cousin Joel and his lovely bride Katy:

See?? They can pretend to love each other!

Alyssa & Sarah in a curtsy for the camera          
In other exciting news:  my sister Allison and her husband John had their baby yesterday!!  He is SOOOO cute!  His name is Ernest Phillips Schoonover, named after my father Ernest K. Phillips, a.k.a. Phil.  I don't know if this makes him a junior because he isn't the first generation after my dad, but he isn't going to be called junior, so I don't think it matters.  He is going to be called Phil.  I love it.  I think it's an honor to be named after a great man, and baby Phil definitely has that honor.  He is a beautiful baby, born into a beautiful family.  Here he is!
Baby Phil and Allison
Beautiful baby Phil

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Responsibilities are hard.

It's hard being a sixth grader.  Just ask mine.  There are all kinds of things to remember; books, homework assignments, gym clothes, fundraising papers (these could be forgotten in my opinion), picture day forms, etc.  This is the first year that she has lots of responsibility for herself and she is struggling.  I am not a super organized person- I can be when it counts, but generally, I tend to be a little scattered myself.  This fault that I see in her is a reflection of my own, and it annoys me.  For example, over the weekend we went to Sonoma County, CA with some friends.  At the airport car rental kiosk, I gave the man at the counter my driver's license which he promptly handed back to me because it is expired.  What?  I was just at the DOT getting a new one!  How can this be?  And then Todd pointed out that I was getting a new one because I lost the old one, not because I was renewing the license.  Grr.  On the bright side, this meant that I wouldn't have to drive all weekend!  

Sonoma County is beautiful by the way.  The weather is spectacular, vineyards are perfectly straight lines of amazing looking grapevines, and there are wineries scattered everywhere that are surrounded by gardens of strange looking flowers and fruit trees.  Plus, you can drink wine in the morning and it is totally acceptable.
House in Sonoma where we spent the weekend

Update on graduate school:

Last week I had to respond to a horrendous discussion question about defining advanced practice nursing.  Not to be confused with advanced nursing practice.  What is the difference, you ask?  Advanced practice nurses provide direct patient care (nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists) while advanced nursing practice refers to nurses with advanced degrees like nurse educators and administrators.  Why is this such a big deal?  Because nurses like definition. 

I am also writing a paper about my professional goals and my 5 year plan.  I am totally making it up.  Education...Future nurses....Health care changes...It has to be 2-3 pages people!!  I am running out of material! 

Class #3 asked me to send in a picture of myself for an ID badge.  There are very few pictures of me (just head shot) and no kids/Todd.  So this morning I took a picture of myself with my phone.  First I had to put on makeup. Now, I know that people take pictures of themselves with their phones.  I have seen them.  They look cute.  There must be a secret that I am unaware of, because I look insane.  I took a bunch, trying different poses (I hope no neighbors were watching), and threw them in the little garbage can.  Then I decided that it was the orange shirt I was wearing and changed into white.  I took some more, walking from room to room (different lighting & paint color), and finally settled on the least insane looking one.  Here are the insane/less insane photos:
Insane looking Emily

Slightly less insane looking Emily (I think)
Yesterday I renewed my driver's license and I didn't even have to take the test.  I did get teased by the gentleman working at the courthouse, but that was it!  Minor consequence for my irresponsibility.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Well it was a nice long holiday weekend for most of us. My family was supposed to spend Monday at Yellowsmoke celebrating my dad's birthday. This is an annual outing during which we grill out and drink beer/wine and at least one of the kids falls into the lake (seriously). And then my dad got hit by a truck while riding his bike. Now, I have been worried about this exact situation for most of my life. I have been expecting to get a phone call that this had happened. (Expecting the call doesn't make it easier to receive, so I have decided it is not worth the effort to worry). Anyway, he wasn't seriously injured, although being hit by a moving vehicle is pretty serious as far as bruising/cuts/road rash are concerned. He is at home with ice and ibuprophen. It could have been much worse, and I have decided that I still need my dad around for a long time (are you reading this Dad?). I think he may have agreed to carry a cell phone and ride only on the trail and not on the highway anymore. At least that's what he told us.

Today was a day of firsts.  First time in a cornfield.  First ride in a combine.  Alyssa first gymnastics class.  Let's start with the farming:
Amber in a tractor!

Me and a tractor in a corn field.

Amber was already almost done making lunch for the men by the time I got there.  She had made 2 loaves of meatloaf, baked potatoes, baked beans, and brownies (keep in mind this was no special occasion, just lunch for hungry farmers).  We sat around and talked while lunch baked. And then, because this is just how awesome she is, before we left to take lunch out to the field, she took out individual bowls for each person and PUT THEM IN THE OVEN TO WARM THEM UP!  Yep.  So their food would be nice and toasty.  I know, you are thinking about how inadequate you are as a wife aren't you?  I know that's what I was thinking.    So we loaded up the food, drinks, forks, etc., and headed out to find a bunch of men in a field.  After lunch I rode with Kelly in the combine and Amber rode with a guy named John in a grain cart (which is pulled by a tractor for all of you non-farmers like me).  Combines are very technological.  I don't get most of it, but it's essentially like vacuuming.  Except not as clean.  There is also a delicate balance going on between where everyone is and how much corn is in the combine vs. the grain cart vs. the semi.  There is some waiting if the balance is off. 

I learned more than some basic things about farming today.  I think one thing that becomes either more obvious the longer you are married (or you are just worn down by the argument) is that there doesn't have to be equality in marriage.  What I mean is that Todd and I (maybe Amber & Kelly and maybe you too) spent a lot of time in our earlier married years arguing about making things equal.  I did this so now you have to do that.  I have a job and make this much so you have to have a job and make this much.  I gave the kids a bath last night so it's your turn tonight.  I think what is more important to us now, and what is very obviously important in Amber & Kelly's marriage, is that they are just trying to make each other happy.  (Meatloaf and brownies in warm bowls.) Which is what we all want anyway.
Alyssa  happy at her first gymnastics class!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Inspirations and cocoons

I have inspired a new blogger.  Yes, I have had that big of an impact on the internet in the last few days.  Wait until you find out who he is.....his name is Todd Thams.  You may have heard of him.  He is my husband.  He was (a little bit surprisingly, considering his lack of interest in reading and writing), impressed by my interest in blogging and ability to put thoughts into words.  His interest, however, is not parenting or education, but rather food.  He cooks, sautes, smokes, grills, roasts, broils, and bakes.  I like to make meals that are easy to assemble or clean up after.  He uses multiple spices and herbs.  I use the packet that came with the box.  He researches how to cook a piece of meat to perfection.  I sign up for meal planning services.  You see the difference.  I take care of the weekday meals, he cooks on the weekends and for company.  And he is good at it.  So he is going to tell us his secrets.  And take pictures of it.  And the best part is, I get to eat the food he is making.  His blog is called:  I said eat it!  (probably inspired by words yelled at the girls but I'm not sure)

I finished my first official knitting project! It's not that exciting to anyone but me and my sister Allison because it's for her baby due in a couple of weeks. It's a baby hat and cocoon. Yes, cocoon. It's soft and if it hadn't taken so long I would make a giant one for myself that I could lay in.   
Sarah's baby "Esme" in the cocoon and hat.
Sarah with bed head holding her baby in the cocoon and hat.

I got to have lunch with my friend Amber this week.  We have so many things in common, it is hard to cover them all in one lunch, so there was a post-lunch phone call.  Anyway, she recently read a book called Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis, a young woman (girl really), who after high school went to Uganda as a missionary and ended up staying and adopting 14 children.  14 children!  She says (in this youtube video that it isn't that she knew what God wanted for her in her life, she just knew what was in the Bible.  And her following the Bible led her to feed the starving children in Uganda and take them in as her own as a 19 year old woman.  I can't decide whether I would be terrified if one of my children wanted to do this or incredibly proud of them.  I haven't read the book, but she has a blog  It's really an inspirational site, even if you haven't read the book.  Anyway, Amber and I had some Mexican food, she had Cherry Pepsi, and we decided that I am going to spend a day next week with her to see what it's like to help with farm work (because not all people who grow up in Iowa know how to do farm "stuff").  Yes, there will be pictures!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Public school

First, I want to thank everyone who was thinking about me and praying while I was at the Mayo Clinic.  I am sure that with the experts help, I am going to have fewer headaches in no time.  I am off a bunch of medicine I never needed and I had Botox.  Don't get jealous though, most of the Botoxed areas are hidden by my hair, minus a weird area in the middle of my forehead that no longer moves when I raise my eyebrows.  No wrinkles went away.

Second, yesterday was my dad's birthday. He celebrated by going for a long bike (bicycle) ride and having dinner and wine with Michele, my sister, and her family.  His birthdays usually involve some sort of long exercise feat and he doesn't ever care if he gets a gift.  I can't figure it out either.
Here he is!  Happy Birthday Dad! (nice photobomb Todd)

Haley started public school this year (6th grade).  Being a worrier, coming from generations of worriers, I have been fretting about the transition since last year.  Would she be behind academically?  Would she make friends?  Would she be terrified of kids saying words like "ass" and "sh*t" (words she could never imagine saying)?  Would she get lost?  Would she cry in the middle of the lunch room?  Well, it has been 2 weeks and she has made friends and has not gotten lost or cried anywhere.  She has been worried about some bad language and one boy who wanted her phone number, but otherwise she is getting along ok.  The only thing that I worried about that has actually been a real issue is that she is behind in math.  She is barely keeping up with the other kids- not being able to finish worksheets, not getting questions correct, not understanding, etc.  So, the principal and I got her set up on a program called ALEKS which is an online tutoring system where she can  practice math on her own.  The school uses the program in their math intervention classes, which Haley qualifies for, but doesn't want to give up band or chorus for.  Is it terrible that neither her nor I want to take her out of music classes for extra math?  Is this a crucial parenting mistake?  I don't know.  But we are going to do the math program at home and try to catch up and if that doesn't help, I guess we will give up music for awhile.  You can use ALEKS without going through a school if your kids need extra math help.  Here's the website:/  It isn't free, but it does more than just randomly practice math problems.  It assesses skill level and shows what areas your child is weak in and gives them more practice in those areas.

I am officially starting to work on classes; one of which is centered around how to use APA format and write like a graduate student.  Not like a mom writing a blog.

Monday, August 27, 2012


I have had a headache for forever.  Well, not forever, but since January/Februaryish.  Some days it's a migraine, some days it's just a headache, but it is always there.  So in a moment of desperation, Todd called my uncle Marty to ask a favor (Marty is a doctor).  And we are now sitting in a waiting room at the Mayo Clinic.  We have seen 2 doctors already, one family practice doctor, and one neurologist (and one neurology resident).  We are now waiting to see if we can get in to see the headache specialist neurologist earlier than our scheduled appointment (Wednesday).  I have too many things to say about all of this, so I have decided just to list them:

  • I have an awesome husband. 
  • Thank you, Marty, for helping us.  Dr. Franz is wonderful.  One of the nicest people I have met- just like you.
  • Neurologists are really smart, but not always right-sometimes you need more than one.
  • The Mayo Clinic reminds me of the airport. 
  • My parents are awesome.  Todd's parents are awesome.
  • It could be a lot worse.
  • Todd and I don't really have that much to talk about, and that's ok.
  • You should overpack if you are going to come here.
So far, I have just had some bloodwork and some medication changes (subtractions!).  No earth-shattering news. 

I am supposed to start graduate school today.  I bought books and got financial aid.  I suppose I should do something...

Here is something pretty for you to look at today!

Alyssa painted these for her room.  I scanned them and am going to make them into posters- unless I forget. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mornings and book shelves

I don't know if our struggles to get the girls moving in the morning are worse than any one else. I admit that I struggle to get ready for the day (headache or not).  But Todd and I are now the nagging duo.  Have you brushed your hair (obviously not)?   Have you brushed your teeth?  Have you brushed your teeth (different kid)?  Aren't you going to eat your breakfast?  Where is your backpack?  Surely some of you can relate to this.  Todd is seriously ambitious in the morning.  He wakes up with his brain "on".  So this morning in our shared annoyance at the girls slow moving pace, he thought it would be a good idea to come up with a checklist for the girls to keep them on track in the morning.  I was thinking about the flavor of my coffee creamer.  So after an internet search, here is what I came up with:

It is framed so they can use a marker and then wipe it off each night and start over.  I made 3- one for each room.  I will report back.  Here is where I found it (I changed it a little).  Free download:

I also tried to trim down the bookshelves.  I have so many nursing books that I can't part with.  I know that is kind of nerdy, but I really like them.  I have this beautiful physiology textbook!  I don't want to get rid of them, but I'm not reading them every day either.  So they are going into storage to make room for new ones.

See that beautiful physiology book??  You should see the inside!
I love books.  I love owning books.  Todd is annoyed by owning lots of books, so I'm trying to humor him and get rid of some fiction books also.  The library will take our books that we don't want and put the ones they don't own on the shelves and the rest are somehow a donation to the library.  I guess I will have to start buying ebooks, but it's just not the same. 

Speaking of books, yesterday Alyssa got a new book at school!  She was very excited. 
Alyssa's 3rd grade Bible

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What do I do now?

This is my experiment in blogging.  Let me know how it turns out. 

So, if you are reading this, you should know that I have 3 daughters (hence the name of the blog) Haley, Alyssa, and Sarah.  They just went back to school and I am not working and am not really sure what to do with myself all day.  I am starting a Master's degree in nursing education at Clarkson College (slowly), and suffering from migraines a lot (I will try not to complain too much), but really I have lots of free time alone.  I have never had this much time to myself and feel slightly guilty about it.  Watching daytime tv, occasionally napping, going out for lunch with my friends, hanging out with my sister- these are things that induce guilt.  I know it's all in my head and I do have an important purpose as a stay at home mother/student/wife.  Anyway, the point is that documenting this transition will give me, and you, some insight into what it is that I do with my time and efforts, and remind us that I am being productive.

Another purpose of this blog is to tell you all about the awesome, funny, intelligent, annoying, sweet, insightful, and possibly boring things that happen between my daughters and I.  Last night, for example, Haley (11) started reading a book that she and her friend picked out together at school.  This morning she decided that she was going to stop reading it because a boy character in the book offered the girl character a cigarette.  Haley is an extreme anti-smoker.  Like the "holds her breath when walking near smokers" kind of anti-smoker.  She took an oath from her DARE instructor.  She will NEVER smoke.  So today she is returning the book to the library and is going to ask the librarian to help her find a more appropriate book.  Wow.  I wonder if this is just a phase?

I may also include some super interesting discussion of my class content (only kidding- keep reading), and discuss my favorite tv shows- most of which happen to be on Bravo or E!  I promise only to refer to the Real Housewives when it is truly relevant.

Here they are! Haley, Alyssa, and Sarah at the Big Time Rush concert at the state fair! 
So today, what I have done is create this blog!! Hooray for me!  I have also done some laundry and worked on a knitting project with a headache (not the worst ever, but pretty bad).  So I feel fairly productive- could have done more minus the head pain.  Thanks for visiting!  Come again!