Saturday, September 1, 2012

Inspirations and cocoons

I have inspired a new blogger.  Yes, I have had that big of an impact on the internet in the last few days.  Wait until you find out who he is.....his name is Todd Thams.  You may have heard of him.  He is my husband.  He was (a little bit surprisingly, considering his lack of interest in reading and writing), impressed by my interest in blogging and ability to put thoughts into words.  His interest, however, is not parenting or education, but rather food.  He cooks, sautes, smokes, grills, roasts, broils, and bakes.  I like to make meals that are easy to assemble or clean up after.  He uses multiple spices and herbs.  I use the packet that came with the box.  He researches how to cook a piece of meat to perfection.  I sign up for meal planning services.  You see the difference.  I take care of the weekday meals, he cooks on the weekends and for company.  And he is good at it.  So he is going to tell us his secrets.  And take pictures of it.  And the best part is, I get to eat the food he is making.  His blog is called:  I said eat it!  (probably inspired by words yelled at the girls but I'm not sure)

I finished my first official knitting project! It's not that exciting to anyone but me and my sister Allison because it's for her baby due in a couple of weeks. It's a baby hat and cocoon. Yes, cocoon. It's soft and if it hadn't taken so long I would make a giant one for myself that I could lay in.   
Sarah's baby "Esme" in the cocoon and hat.
Sarah with bed head holding her baby in the cocoon and hat.

I got to have lunch with my friend Amber this week.  We have so many things in common, it is hard to cover them all in one lunch, so there was a post-lunch phone call.  Anyway, she recently read a book called Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis, a young woman (girl really), who after high school went to Uganda as a missionary and ended up staying and adopting 14 children.  14 children!  She says (in this youtube video that it isn't that she knew what God wanted for her in her life, she just knew what was in the Bible.  And her following the Bible led her to feed the starving children in Uganda and take them in as her own as a 19 year old woman.  I can't decide whether I would be terrified if one of my children wanted to do this or incredibly proud of them.  I haven't read the book, but she has a blog  It's really an inspirational site, even if you haven't read the book.  Anyway, Amber and I had some Mexican food, she had Cherry Pepsi, and we decided that I am going to spend a day next week with her to see what it's like to help with farm work (because not all people who grow up in Iowa know how to do farm "stuff").  Yes, there will be pictures!


  1. Baby Phil already loves the cocoon. I can tell, because when I think about the cocoon, or look at the cocoon, he wriggles around and jabs me in the ribs. Excellent work for a first - or 400th - knitting project.

  2. I can't wait to hold baby Phil in the cocoon! Come out baby!
